Fruit flies are a type of fly found throughout the United States that often infest homes containing ripe, rotting, or decayed fruit and produce. They are known for their ability to rapidly reproduce and can be found indoors year-round. Depending on the conditions, fruit flies can live 25 to 30 days.
Signs of a Fruit Fly Infestation
Fruit flies are often seen flying around kitchens or trash cans near the rotting or decaying fruit and produce. Another sign of an infestation is the mature larvae of fruit flies that crawl out of breeding material to pupate in a nearby spot.
Where Do Fruit Flies Come From?
Because they seemingly appear out of nowhere, people experiencing infestation often wonder where fruit flies come from.
Fruit flies make their way into the home though open doors or windows if they sense a food source, or sometimes from garden crops. They are also attracted to overripe fruit on the counter or any fermenting matter in drains, mops, and trash bins.
Fruit flies are attracted to and eat rotting food. They especially like fruits and vegetables as well as fermenting liquids like beer, liquor, and wine. Fruit flies are also attracted to and sometimes breed in dark, moist, and unsanitary environments like drains, garbage disposals, and trash bins where rotting produce materials may collect.
Because they reproduce very quickly, fruit fly extermination can be difficult. Female fruit flies can lay around 500 eggs, which can hatch in as little as 24 hours. Similar to other fly species, fruit flies have a four-stage lifecycle, which can be completed in as little as a week in ideal conditions.
Not only are fruit flies a nuisance pest but, much like house flies, they are also capable of contaminating food with harmful bacteria and disease-causing pathogens. It’s important to understand how to get rid of fruit flies if you suspect an infestation.
How to Get Rid of Fruit Flies
A major step in fruit fly extermination is the elimination of their feeding and breeding grounds. If you identify a fruit fly infestation in your kitchen, dispose of all over-ripe or decaying fruit and produce.
To prevent and get rid of fruit flies:
- Be sure that all windows and doors seal properly to prevent fruit flies from entering the home.
- Regularly wipe counters and empty trash cans.
- Clean drain lines, garbage disposals and any location where food waste accumulates.
- Store produce in air-tight containers or refrigerators.
- Inspect any fruits or vegetables brought into the home.
Contact us 239-850-4206 if you suspect an infestation, to learn more about how to get rid of fruit flies and, if necessary, to schedule a fruit fly extermination.